For your Landing Craft requirements Specmar Design [USA] have a wide range to suit all purposes. From 6 - 17 meters length and with load capacity from 450 - 20,400 Kgs these designs are easy to construct and able to meet requirements for local survey rules.
For special requirements and various drive systems the designs can be altered to suit. This flexibility and our direct communication with the design office results in a vessel which exactly matches the customer requirement.
For the builder assembly of the hull involves setting the stem/keel bar about 12" above the shop floor, pulling the bottom shell plate to match the marks on the stem/keel bar, then simply placing the frames on the marks on the shell plate. It's really that simple. Internal structural members are notched using an "Egg Crate" notch-to-notch technique for speed and accuracy of alignment, resulting in tasks that normally take weeks being reduced to days.
This design has a vee bottom so performs well and has the ability to handle coastal, offshore sea conditions when island-hopping etc. If you need a very adaptable commercial landing craft please contact Coastal Boats for a competitive quotation.
For information on other aluminum boats available, please click here..